Welcome to Applewald Farm

Senior Farmshares
We love participating in the Maine Senior Farmshare Program. This federal program allows us to partner with qualified senior citizens and offer them $50 worth of free produce over the course of the summer. We are reimbursed through this program and it is a win-win for us all! We have so enjoyed getting to know our senior participants, many of whom come back year after year. To qualify a senior must be all of these things:
* A Maine resident
* 60 or older
* Meet the income guidelines.
Depending on household size there must be an income no greater than:
1 person-$23,606 2 people-$31,894
Call us and inquire or contact the state program to learn income cutoffs for bigger households
Sign-ups are held every spring. The new income guidelines usually go up a bit every year July 1.